My  Perfect  Health

What Doctors Endorse Gynexin


Gynexin Alpha Formula is the brilliant new pill treatment for men suffering from Gynecomastia (enlarged breast tissue in a male). Unlike other treatments of this kind it is clinically proven, safe and the unique formula has been developed by leading medical scientists, doctors and nutritionists. An amazing 99% of men using Gynexin have lost their man boobs, so if you were perhaps in any doubt over its effectiveness, you can now be certain that you are in good hands as Gynexin is a trusted and well-established product.

Gynexin reduces the size and quantity of the subcutaneous adipose tissue (fatty cells) in the mammary glands that contribute to the unwanted appearance of man boobs. The herbal formula consists of Chromium Picolinate, Guggulsterones, Theobromine Cacao, Green Tea Extract, Caffeine and Sclareolides. So as you can see Gynexin is composed of completely natural ingredients, no artificial fillers, hidden extras or dangerous drugs. Some other supplements on the market may not contain anything beneficial at all, you could literally be taking �sawdust� pills but with Gynexin you are taking a highly acclaimed and thoroughly researched formula designed to take the place of drastic plastic surgery.

Gynexin reduces the male breast tissue in just two weeks of starting the treatment, a gradually firmer torso and midsection can be seen and then over the coming weeks, your chest will appear considerably flatter, tighter and firmer. It is recommended that you take Gynexin for 6 months for best possible results, although many people are extremely satisfied with the results of Gynexin after only 3 months. Simply take two capsules a day, before food. You can take up to four capsules a day but no more than this, taking more than this will not give you results any quicker, the dosage that is set out for users is enough to produce great results in the average male. Although the results of Gynexin are permanent, some people will choose to continue to take Gynexin even after 6 months to ensure that they preserve the results.

Gynexin can not be found in the shops, it can only be purchased online from the official website. It comes complete with a 60 day money back guarantee so if you are not completely satisfied with the product, simply send it back for a full refund. You can purchase Gynexin in various monthly supply packs and you receive a free bonus gift of a bottle of Korexin with an order of a 3 months or more supply. Korexin is a complete natural blend of essential fatty acids that reduces bodyfat, retains lean muscles and helps to suppress sugar cravings. It is designed to be used alongside Gynexin to encourage your body to burn fat so that you will lose those man boobs even more quickly and efficiently. 

Tantrum Marketing & Consulting Ltd


DEAR DR. DONOHUE: I am a 14-year-old boy with a really embarrassing problem. I have breasts as large as many of the girls in my class. I get a lot of kidding, and I don't want to get undressed for gym class. What can I do about it? -- J.P.

DEAR J.P.: You have gynecomastia (GUY-nuh-coe-MASS-tee-uh), a growth of male breast tissue. It happens three times in life: shortly after birth, at puberty and in old age. The reason is an imbalance of female to male hormones.

Two-thirds of boys develop gynecomastia during puberty. That's how common it is. Many do not have an enlargement as great as yours, but the majority of boys of this age do show some breast growth. The breasts almost always shrink in a matter of months to two years. Only a few are left with permanent enlargement.

If you can put up with this for about six months, you probably will see your problem disappear. If life is truly miserable for you or if you wait six months and there is no change, then talk to your parents. They can take you to the doctor, who will explain how surgery can remove the unwanted tissue. It's not a huge deal. And it's justified, if your life is being ruined.

Sometimes, gynecomastia is a sign of a true health threat. Tumors of the testes, an overactive thyroid gland, liver cirrhosis and severe kidney disease are some of the conditions in which the male breasts grow. None of these is common for someone your age.

Medicines and street drugs also can promote gynecomastia. Marijuana is a prime example. And so do androgens, male hormones used by bodybuilders to spur muscle growth. That sounds like a contradiction, male hormones increasing breast size. The reason is that when large doses of male hormones are taken, some of that hormone load is transformed into female hormones.