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What Is Gynexin’s Main Ingredients?

Gynexin Alpha Formula is a highly powerful blend of the finest, top quality ingredients and nutrients designed to reduce male breast tissue quickly, effectively and most importantly, safely.

Recommended dosage of Gynexin is two capsules a day, one in the morning and one in the evening, half an hour before a meal. A maximum of 4 capsules every 24 hours should not be exceeded. You should drink (250ml) 8oz of water with every serving. Provided you follow the directions and use Gynexin for at least three months, you should be extremely happy with the results.

In each Gynexin capsule you will find:

Chromium Picolinate
Chromium is usually used to combat a chromium deficiency, for those individuals who for some reason cannot get enough chromium naturally through their daily diet. A good source of Chromium is Whole grain, Cheese and Brewer�s yeast. If you are lacking this component in your diet, you will probably find you are prone to weight gain and lethargy and tiredness. Chromium Picolinate is Chromium that is combined with Picolinic acid; it is the easiest form of Chromium to absorb. Athletes, body builders and people wanting to maintain a healthy weight use Chromium Picolinate to maintain a desired weight or body metabolism. It also is proven to improve insulin resistance for diabetics and even help to lower cholesterol in those people with high cholesterol levels in their blood.
Theobromine Cacao
Theobromine is a type of alkaloid called a methylxanthine, which naturally occurs in plants. Themobromine Cacao is very similar to caffeine though not as strong, they are both alkaloids and has many health benefits; however unlike Caffeine it does not stimulate the central nervous system, more the heart and it is not considered to be addictive like Caffeine. It is also known as Xantheose, which is bitter and mainly found in the Cacao plant. Theobromine is found in abundance in all types of chocolate athough usually dark chocolate. It can increase heart rate and help to dilate blood vessels; this makes it an ideal way to lower high blood pressure. It it also useful at draining fluid, which makes it a useful treatment when treating a patient with heart failure as heart failure if often caused by a build up of fluid. Themobromine is also good for treating asthma symptoms; it relaxes key respiratory muscles which can relieve coughing.
Green Tea Extract
Green Tea is different to other teas in the way that it is prepared; it is not fermented like other teas. It contains a much higher amount of antioxidants that can fight the damaging free radicals from entering our bodies. Free radicals come from the atmosphere, air pollution, the sun etc.

Green Tea has an amazing array of health benefits, researchers claim this is because it contains a high level of antioxidants and polyphenols. They can prevent blood platelets from sticking together and lower bad cholesterol levels. There have been studies conducted with Green�s Tea�s benefit to breast and prostate cancer. Amongst other things and help to lower blood sugar and aid digestion. 
Guggulsterones is an antioxidant that is taken from the Guggul tree�s sap. The tree �Commiphora Mukul� grows in the region of India. Guggulsterones are a very important supplement. It helps to regulate the levels of cholesterol and keep it at the right range for the body. Guggulsterones turn cholesterol into bile and help to assist the thyroid gland that enables the level to regulate cholesterol. It is also a very effective and beneficial treatment in Osteoarthritis and has been used in alternative medicines for this purpose and its effects for years. There is also some evidence to say it is effective at helping obesity.
Sclareolides is derived from the biennial herb, �Salvia Sclarea�. It is used to increase the production of testosterone and decrease the production of oestrogen. It is found commonly in skin firming and slimming products as its main purpose is to shrink fat cells.

Tantrum Marketing & Consulting Ltd

Is Gynexin Available Offline?

Treatment for Gynecomastia is not just confined to surgery. There are treatments in the forms of pills that you can take to cure this embarrassing problem. The best, most effective and inexpensive Gynecomastia product on the market is Gynexin. Gynexin male breast reduction formula is an established Gynecomastia product that had helped thousands of men get rid of their man boobs. It is only available online from the official website; it cannot be purchased from any pharmacy or shop. If you find any other product claiming to be Gynexin is likely to be a poor imitation. 

You do not need a prescription or any kind of medical check to buy Gynexin. It is a completely unique natural herbal clinically proven formula, a non-invasive way specifically designed to treat Gynecomastia, no risky pharmaceutical drugs or injections needed. No unpredictable results, unpleasant side effects, no scarring or pain. In two convenient capsules a day (you should not take more than 4 capsules) that you take before meals is all that is needed to banish the fatty cells in the mammary glands that causes man boobs, gradually reducing them in size and amount. 

Within two to three weeks you will experience a much flatter, toned torso and eventually a much flatter chest and reduction in fat around your midsection resulting in a masculine appearance. It is recommended that you take Gynexin for at least 6 months for optimum results, after this time you can either stop or continue taking Gynexin (but at a lower dose) that will further support the results. The results of Gynexin are permanent but you can order more as and when you want to. If you are on any medications it is worth consulting a physician to be on the safe side before you start taking Gynexin.

Wouldn�t it be great to wear all your clothes with confidence, be able to take part in sports without embarrassment, meet women and have sexual relationships without feeling ashamed of your body and feeling like you are turning into a woman? With Gynexin Alpha Formula, you can feel full of confidence and feel like a man again and anyone with Gynecomastia can benefit from the program.

Order Gynexin from the official website, it comes with a 60 day money back guarantee so you can buy with confidence and discreetly, with no markings on the packaging. The advantage of buying online is no awkward trips to the doctor or pharmacy, no-one asking questions, put simply; no-one need know you are using Gynexin so all you need to concentrate on is getting on with your day with no more embarrassment.


How Does Gynexin Compare To Other Gynecomastia Treatments?


Gynexin Alpha Formula gives other Gynecomastia treatments a run for their money. It takes away the expense, pain, complication, prominent scarring and complications that may occur during and after male breast reduction surgery. Results are unpredictable as with any surgery and still may not be aesthetically pleasing, or the surgery may not go as planned. Of course you may be very pleased with the look of your chest. But the major problem with surgery is the gamble you take with your health and also the extra costs that you may have to stump up for if something was to go wrong to correct the surgery.

There are other Gynecomastia treatments other than surgery like pills for example. Although many do not work, many are filled with cheap fillers and the manufacturer�s websites do not always list full ingredients so you don�t always know what you are getting or whether they are indeed natural or whether or not they contain any pharmaceutical drugs. This is not only irresponsible, but potentially dangerous for those who have serious health conditions or allergies as everyone has a right to be properly informed. Additionally, some manufacturers do not offer any money back guarantees which does not give the buyer confidence when it comes to buying.

With Gynexin, you can be certain you are taking a trusted, safe, clinically proven and tested product that is guaranteed to work. Its natural herbal ingredients are fully listed in detail on the website and the amounts so you know exactly what is in each capsule � no nasty surprises. Gynexin recommends that anybody on medication or has any health condition consult their doctor before using Gynexin, so they do have their customers best interests at heart. It is also affordable for most people and considerably more affordable than surgery.

Gynexin will provide brilliant results with just two daily capsules, preferably taken half an hour before food, in the first two weeks you will start to see a firmer more toned looking chest as the fatty cells (subcutaneous adipose tissue) are dramatically reduced in size and mass. As the weeks go on your chest will look flatter, firmer and fitter. You can achieve a very pleasing result after just 3 months of taking Gynexin; a lot of people are very satisfied with their results after this time. However you can attain even more impressive results if you continue taking Gynexin for a 6 month period. Some choose to carry on taking Gynexin everyday to preserve the results; it is very safe to do so although it is recommended that you lower the dosage, particularly if you take up to 4 capsules a day. You should not take more than 4 capsules in 24 hours. 

Gynecomastia can be a thing of the past if you go for Gynexin. You can take Gynexin in complete faith knowing you are taking a highly safe and effective product and soon you will have a physique you once tried to hide that you are now very proud to show off! 

Tantrum Marketing & Consulting Ltd


lavanderboobsThe lavender and tea tree oils found in some soaps, shampoos, hair gels and body lotions can produce enlarged breasts in boys, researchers report.

These plant oils were linked to abnormal breast development in three boys, which was reversed when they stopped using them, write Dr Clifford Bloch of Pediatric Endocrine Associates in Colorado, and colleagues.

They say their study, published today in the New England Journal of Medicine, suggests these oils can act in ways similar to the hormone oestrogen.
"This report raises an issue of concern, since lavender oil and tea tree oil are sold over the counter in their 'pure' form and are present in an increasing number of commercial products, including shampoos, hair gels, soaps, and body lotions," the researchers write.

"Whether the oils elicit similar endocrine-disrupting effects in prepubertal girls, adolescent girls, or women is unknown."
While it is very common for boys to develop temporary breast enlargement as they go through puberty, the condition is very rare in young boys.

Doctors call the condition prepubertal gynaecomastia, and often find no explanation for it.

The researchers found the condition in three otherwise healthy boys, aged 4, 7 and 10.
"I got wind of it because I was given a clue by a patient," Bloch says.
That case involved the 4-year-old "who was using absolutely nothing on his skin except a lavender oil preparation that his mother had obtained from a homeopath. She used to rub it on his chest and body every night" because lavender, in complementary medicine circles, is said to have healing properties.

Several months after the boy stopped getting the 'healing balm', his breasts returned to normal.
Meanwhile, Bloch then began to see lavender crop up in other cases, including the 10-year-old, who was using a hair styling gel and shampoo that contained both lavender oil and tea tree oil.

There was also a 7-year-old, who had been using lavender-scented soap and skin lotions.
In laboratory tests, scientists at the US National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) found that both substances can mimic the action of the female hormone oestrogen.

They can also block male hormones that control both masculine characteristics and inhibit the growth of breast tissue.
But NIEHS researcher and co-author Dr Ken Korach is cautious about saying the essential oils cause the breasts to grow.

"Although we found an association between exposure to these essential oils and gynaecomastia, further research is needed to determine the prevalence of prepubertal gynaecomastia in boys using products containing lavender and tea tree oils," Korach says.

Tantrum Marketing & Consulting Ltd